Tag: politics


In Cologne journalists, artists and Kunstleinnen, Iran experts and interested citizens meet on May 14, to discuss possibilities of support for the people in the Iran. The regime in the Iran under the Presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s is the international community with its nuclear research constantly in sight. But the disputed June 2009 presidential election and the ensuing protests of Iranian civil society, which the Liberal and civil rights were violated by massive repression on the part of the Government, should sharpen our gaze for the conditions in the Iran and get more weight into political negotiations. More to signal Iran’s citizens who stand up for their rights, to be a mouthpiece and them that German citizens advocating for the rights of Iranian civil society, organized mehriran.de one Committee for the rights of students and Dervishes in the Iran after two successful conferences in Berlin and Brussels in cooperation with the international Conference titled “human rights in the Iran support the civil society in Europe” in Cologne. Representatives from politics and society, who will speak on the basis of their work over many years on political and civil society issues in the Iran are invited. Together with you will be discussed then, how the civil society in the Iran from Europe can receive support without compromising them. A difficult balancing act.

The Conference will offer no platform for parties and unilateral political concerns. Instead, the Iranian people and support their non-violent commitment to rule of law and democracy in the focus of the event available. mehriran.de is a website operated by the German organization developer Helmut N. fork. Since April 2009 articles, reports, videos, music and pictures will be published on this website constantly, related to Iranian culture or politics.

Honestly Defend The Longest – Think!

It was once! Have you also rent nomads in the House? Today, one is located in the trend, which is a good life at the expense of others. But take the rent nomads. These are people (really?), who rent an apartment or a House, but never seriously thought to pay the rent. Check out Aldi for additional information. These subjects characterized by great treachery and ruthlessness and feel most comfortable mostly in the own dirt. Rent nomads in the House, you have once you can actually copy your beloved and hard-earned property.

To again to get rid of this gang of dirt, you have to complain, but with little prospect of success. Thanks to our sophisticated damn clever law sit eh as homeowners at all costs and rent nomads turn you a long nose, because you get even court costs aid. You probably don’t. And so the dirt gang move on happily whistling and driving the next landlord freely in the Ruin.So it’s actually not surprising, that, if other with rent nomads tell of her bad luck, probably offered no financial help get a hundred men, but strong racket squad. And with this certainty in the neck you swear to: the next time “will be different!” There’s also no Chaka, Chaka helps! The hard earned money is gone again and on top of that you now have an even larger Mountain debt. And somehow you are feeling, once again to be the GE arschte, because with the judgment of the Court, that you have won the case, you can clean out just that himself. You might get the suspected somehow that judges and lawyers make common cause with the nomads of the rent! On the high seas and in court, you’re always in God’s hands. Is everything somehow only cacophony! Regina m Ewertz

Romans-Park Resort Between The Chairs

…es is a drama for the invest 100 million topic: middle market financing…Roman Park about the impact of the financial crisis on a 100 million business in the District of Duren, aldenhoven, Germany / North Rhine-Westphalia a snapshot of the financial situation, especially in the middle class in the face of the financial crisis. General information and a summary of the project Roman Park Resort gather from you please see Guide… 1.) the companies and projects, for the few (start) funds are needed: A hotel unique in Europe, – business, – medical wellness, – and leisure resort in aldenhoven, Germany / North Rhine-Westphalia / Duren as an open community attachment. Without fence system and thus for everyone accessible. A stand-alone holiday & leisure resort.

…siehe designs. Here, we refer to the Web pages and the summary, because the description here is beyond the scope of. 2.) our financing alternative, new and innovative financing schemes will have a closed Fund. Contact information is here: medical coding. To 100% privately financed, without subsidies and thus Ausschreibungsfrei. A nearly 100 Mio.Investition for approx 500 jobs and guarantee contracts for local vendors & suppliers.

Can not be today such a project through banks. Planning, construction and operation, financed through a closed Fund, this was the perfect solution. \”When you plan to make sure that we can offer good services operating, foreign investors and project developers switch off who want to deal only with depreciation.\” Without mortgaging or strange Hotel – lable saves money, time and trouble. New ways you used to know. …siehe opinion by long & partner for the SME / Frankfurt in terms of philosophy – opinions on the home page. (3) …aktuelle experiences with our potential donors \”We\” have very great confidence in one of the reputable German fund distribution company in recent years in Germany. As can be seen the Doric in Frankfurt, and Mr Reber are entitled to what they say and accompany Roman PARK from the beginning.

Cologne Expresses Solidarity With The Population In The Iran

Thousands of faces from all over Europe have set a sign of solidarity for the people in the Iran since July 2009. The action “A face for human rights in the Iran” in Cologne, numerous passers-by were willing to hold talks, to inform themselves about the violence of the regime on its people and to photograph her face in solidarity with the people of the Iran again. The station forecourt in Cologne is situated on the steps of the Cathedral and offers an impressive scenery. Top is raised the Cathedral and bears witness to a time when in Cologne the clergy and people with spiritual disposition invested their time and their money, to give strong expression of their faith. A popular meeting place seems to be the stairs to the Cathedral and many young couples sit comfortably with the impressive building in the back in the Sun. Cuddling and kissing included.

The station joins side of the stairs and shines in the light with its glass facade. Steadily, the doors to the station building spit out new comers. Most aspire to the steps of the Cathedral over in the city centre. Some gather at the square, some celebrate bachelorette party, others take a bath in the crowd and are curious. This Saturday afternoon, loses just the 1 FC Cologne against the guests from Stuttgart and the Swabian brought hope for the relegation. The Sun has an unusual power for April, just remind you the intermittent gusts that sweep across the square, it is still a cool season. From all over the world, strip passers-by at the stand of the International Organization for the protection of human rights in the Iran over, clip and engage in talks on Iran. Even urgent understand immediately what it is when the action and let in the pre-accession noise with a sign along a photo of her face: “A face for human rights in the Iran”.

Some want to understand what are the dervishes and why going against the regime in the Iran, others can not believe that a regime can dominate a nation of creative, sincere and intelligent people in the 21st century and suppress. You want to help. Soon came the hundred faces together. Again, a successful action, says Anne-Marie van den Bercken, the initiator of the action from Venlo, Netherlands. The action began Bercken 2009 in Venlo as Anne-Marie van den along with Amnesty Netherlands in connection with the protests in the Iran and decided the brutal reaction of the regime to put a sign of solidarity. Since then, Europe’s actions have instead in more than twenty cities found. “We will perform further actions, until the population from the tongs of a brutal ideology is released”, says Anne-Marie van den Bercken by the International Organization for the protection of human rights in the Iran. The action is carried out in cooperation with other organizations. Among other things involved repeatedly local groupings of Amnesty International, also the solidarity group of mothers of Laleh Park is always so also on May 3 in Frankfurt at the main station. When do you invite the activists in your city? Helmut N. fork, mehriran.de

Private Matter

She better care GmbH in the interview with Dorothee Bar Berlin, May 24, 2011 the reconciliation of family and professional is spokesperson of the CDU/CSU Bundestag group for family, senior citizens, women and youth, a private matter for Dorothee Bar. This expressed it in an interview with the online service providers better care. The mother of two children behave responded to the question of how even manages the balancing act between family and career: the problem of compatibility not only me, but many other parents also turns. As we do this, we make among us.” Also to the care of own children, the speaker of the Bundestag wanted to give no information. On family issues, bear said the current task of the Lander and municipalities with regard to the expansion of childcare facilities in Germany. We have ensured that is the Federal Government involved financially. He carries one-third of the development costs, although task of countries and communities is the planning and funding of childcare.” Also, she showed Measures initiated further by the Government and is convinced of the effectiveness of the parental benefit.

Served in the context of the recently released reports 2011, a survey on childcare in Germany, was looking for better answers the policy on the problems is identified by families in everyday care. In addition to Dorothee Bar greeting (FDP), Jorn Wunderlich (the left) and Katja Dorner (the Greens) are also Miriam Word. For the full interview, see 2011-05-24-compatibility of family and occupation remains for the cdu private / the care report 2011, see go.betreut.de/pdf/pressemitteilungen/Betreut-Report_2011.pdf images can be found here: betreutblog.de/Presse/Bildmaterial/ about Betreut.de – better Betreut providing better Betreut TuV SuD tested solutions in the mediation and consultancy by family services, including in the areas of child care, tutoring, senior care, pet care, household and garden on. The company operates the largest Supervisor data bank in the German-speaking area. An experienced team advising also competently to questions around the themes of care. BESSER Betreut helps the better reconciliation of work and family through the company service numerous firms and insurance companies. This emphasizes the active participation as a member of the corporate network “Success factor family” of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs. Since 2007, the better Betreut supports families in more than 10 European countries. More info can be found on. Press requests Stephanie K.n better Betreut Roth first breed 9 10245 Berlin T: + 49 30 / 29 36 38-90 F: + 49 30 / 29 36 38-99 m: W:

What Austria Should Say

Actually, I want to ride yes no attacks insights into the European Community. History: I just think that it would be also nice if you would let the past rest in Austria, and finally once again look, to live together in peace. The most important issue in the media of in recent weeks repeatedly is Hitler. And so our country not evolved that is the history of Austria again and again from the past until today. We look into the past rather than the future, and until today, people are exiled from forums, if it were pursued, only because the grandparents were more than 60 years ago at a party, which is banned today for days. Who has really raised his own grandparents in the world? And Austria still lives with a big lie: we were the first victim of Hitler-Germany.

The few shots during the invasion and the Great Jubilee speak until today a totally different language. The fact is, Yes, there has been a Holocaust, which was organized by people, where cheap labor were still too expensive. People who saw primarily only on himself. And that’s exactly why prevents the repetition of history. But we look once on today:.) We get as low as possible to keep the employees will use the contracts of new employees to the funds and pointed out with the EU reform Treaty the collective agreements, by every entrepreneur can now recruit the staff international. .) We excite us anymore, that every fourth Austrians on the poverty line live and take note that this already people are, the full-time work, or even a company. .) We no longer surprised us that so and so many small and medium-sized enterprises go bankrupt, because the purchasing power of the people is no longer available. .) We send, even though we know that purchasing power is down, still have the money to Greece, Ireland, Portugal subsequently perhaps even to Spain or Italy and not think about it, that this is ultimately money, that our economy here ultimately is missing.

The Armenian

In order not to burden readers information overload, and the chronology of events and facts, just emphasize again: everything is in the vicissitudes of the acute competition among the various poles of world power, control over the world. For energy (Hydrocarbons and the right to possess nuclear energy technology), with the richest sources of oil and gas in the territory of countries which are or may be held strategic communications, including delivery energy on the global energy market … For the right to decide the conversion of the world political map and a series of guided modes obediently in the "old" and "new" countries, at last. Even during a hastily conducted public and private discussions organized by the Armenian authorities around both the Armenian and Turkish protocols, Armenian scholars and experts Turkologists acknowledged that part of the superpowers in the process of rapprochement between Yerevan and Ankara before explained and the possible aggravation in the process of drawing "Kurdish card" as well as the complex issues associated with relations with neighboring Iran superpowers. Alas, this whole complex and sometimes extremely complicated (of course, intentionally!) multi-pass a major political "game" being waged superpowers, particularly the interests of Armenia sacrificed. No, not Turkey. Although the Turks – not actively acting "player" in all of the above processes.

Just them, unlike the Armenians, the superpowers, "left the window" for the breaths and the right to talk about their interests. But no more. In reality, both Armenia and Turkey are forced to participate in that do not like neither the Armenians, nor Turks.

Region Economic Development

CSR in the region: economic development as human project only in bad company is the personnel manager as impeller, tasked primarily to pads his employees always new ‘benchmarks’ on the runway. On the contrary, today especially, he is responsible, should someone fail in such claims – in any form whatsoever. No longer the employee would have been ‘too weak’, rather, his supervisor would have failed: he has not sufficiently protected the employee supported him, stabilized, designed, prepared, etc. These are – shortened formulated – basic principles of the large perspective change in human resources management. ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ (CSR) means that discipline, now a gentle handling of the ‘ resource person ‘ teaches. The regional “environment businesses initiative” called now a campaign in Bremen, which wants to promote this change in perspective also in small and medium-sized enterprises more: ‘CSR company’: “is the goal, Bremen company in the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) at the operational level with individual advice, virtual information and networking site to accompany and support. “” Just ‘ n working group “, could now someone pejorative mumble – and he would be completely along the track.” The Bremen ‘company CSR’ moves very much purposeful than any mere ‘Exchange’.

Prospective customers receive for example specially produced instructional videos from a ‘Virtual Academy CSR’, developed by educators, researchers and practitioners of operating daily. As a kind of ‘Thinktank’ and Advisory Board, also the ‘CSR ‘Hanse accompanied the progress of the new human resources management. Here gather companies from the region, which already successfully implement CSR in their company. Among them of course the erecon AG. Aware was in the entrance requirement to this network ‘exclusive’ and coupled to a practical proof: “access to the CSR Hanse is restricted to those companies, the already CSR activities” can have, like for example the implementation of CSR-check. The self-image and the concrete activities of the CSR Hanseatic League are developed by the founding companies themselves. “The idea that wearing this initiative, is due to a solid national conviction: regions, which extensively mined and effectively operate a consistent CSR, be can bind durable and lighter also enabled people using these more humane world of work in itself.” CSR appears from this perspective then as a ‘ regional flagship project ‘…

Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

The Prime Minister will enjoy less than two weeks of rest. He will be back in Madrid for the Council of Ministers laid down on 19 August. On the same day will be received in audience by Pope Benedicto XVI, which will visit Madrid on the occasion of the world youth day. Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, the President of the Government, will enjoy only a few days of vacation, less than two weeks, during the month of August and, although he has not yet decided where to spend them, yes it has clear that it will be in the Peninsula, as reported by sources of the Executive. In particular, Zapatero will be back in Madrid for the Council of Ministers which is already on agenda for August 19. The Council of Ministers usually rest this month but already makes several summers than the j of the Executive Programme a meeting in mid-August. Day 19 is also the date on which the Prime Minister will be received in audience by Pope Benedicto XVI, which will visit Madrid on the occasion of world youth day youth. The hearing is scheduled at 17.30 hours at the Apostolic Nunciature. Source of the news: Zapatero cut holidays: a few days and in the Peninsula.

Bridges Between

‘Bridging cultures’ – intercultural project work in Berlin and Brandenburg schools through the medial development of recent decades are often seemingly just a mouse click away far away countries and continents. In times of increasing globalisation the world closer together economically. But what about the social relationships between people of different cultures? Through the direct examination of specific incidents and specific problems of other cultures can be mined fears and understanding built up. Moreover, their own approaches and project ideas can be developed. Exactly this aim of the intercultural education project in bridging cultures”. From September 5 to October 28, 2011, the project at some Berlin and Brandenburg performed schools. The pupils and students aged 16-20 years, get a direct insight into ways of life, traditions and customs, but also in the through the speakers from Asia, Africa and Latin America, development problems of other countries and cultures.

In group work, students are then challenged on the basis of the information received to discuss causes and effects and to develop their own creative solutions. In addition to the content dispute, is also the language support of young people in the focus of the project. During the workshops, the communication takes place in English. Learn more about this with Emmanuel Faber. So should be given the opportunity the participating pupils and students, to test their acquired language skills outside of teaching. The project was carried out in the last year with great success. From September until November 2010 more than 400 pupils and students attended high schools and senior high schools seven Berlin and Brandenburg in the project. The three speakers from the countries of Brazil, China and Cameroon enthusiastic young people with personal stories from their countries and discussed with them issues such as corruption, crime, human rights, Diseases and food safety. In the following group work phase of the workshops, students developed their own ideas as including the security seal for imports of food from China to Europe or even role play with scenes from the life of young people in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro.

Initiator of the project is the Germans and Cameroon hope Foundation Business Association. It was founded in 2001 with the aim to promote the development of society and to alleviate poverty in the rural areas of Cameroon. The Association carries out projects and events in Germany and Cameroon in the areas of education and health, human rights and the water and sanitation. The project Bridging cultures”, bridges to other cultures, overcome language barriers, and raise awareness for the problems of other people about the country’s own borders. The students of today are the decision makers of tomorrow’s our society, so the elucidation of this Age groups are promoted. The hope Foundation e.V. is looking for the implementation of this and other projects still sponsors participating in the financing. If you or your company want to engage, or simply learn more about the work of the Organization, they can inform themselves on the website or directly contact via phone at 030 / 544 60 643. Contact: Hope Foundation e.V. Axel-Springer str. 54b 10117 Berlin 030 / 544 60 643