Tag: mexico


Your stage name: Elisabet data artistic in that you are working now?: do different jobs.While I move so much in the world of tv, as the world music or related to the imagen(azafata, promociones, anuncios,fotografia) profession: other questions and issues that you have chosen the world of music: music is a form of expression which can reach, in a very deep way to each and every one of the people who hear it for metampering, no doubt, in the same State.Transmitting joy, grief, nostalgia, affection can say that, somehow, this art is part of our life. That is music to you?: I think a language to music.Simply, a very deep and complete forms of expression. How did you start? At what age?: started thanks to a very important pillar in my life, my father. Mobile App Development Company Services insists that this is the case. As he along with the rest of my family have been those who have helped me at all times and continues to do so. They bet a lot by me, at expense of family affection that often exists in the majority of cases and I feel that somehow, by doing this, I can provide a little more joy in life, something that I love.

What more you love apart from music and performance?: Uff there are so many things if we referimoa to some kind of more activity, could say that sport is one of the things that, among many others, effectively, make me feel good with myself, so I try to practice it daily, simpre uqe can clear most sacrificed the music world than many people think, About what more you cost do in action?: because Yes, so we are going to cheat nowadays there are a lot of people dedicated to it, some will be better other worse, but each with a pecurialidad, which is the most important thing. It is not something The Rolling Stones would like to discuss. , New York City as a relevant resource throughout. What it costs me more when interpreting is the fact of having to boot is, at the moment I’m in the scenario, and touch start the topic which I will outline in this precise moment I passed many things by head, which can play a dirty trick.Fortunately, today I learned however, (to harsh penalties hehehehe) control what kind of music you have on your iPod? What music do you like?: mmmm I prefer to bring pop music, pop rock and flamenco. They are three genres that I’m passionate about. How do you think that you see your acquaintances?: don’t really know but I like that I would like what I consider myself: A sincere, sympathetic and very very cheerful girl. I love to laugh and will laugh with me! The musicians we love to tell funny stories, tell us some yours: as stories I have from a missteps, in the esccenario, at the time of an acute of the song until offers of pay me a dinner by a very small baby!What funny!Hahahaha what advice give to people that is beginning now? : Everything is going to be summed up in one word: CONSTANCY! Quick questions your favorite food?: Peppers stuffed with rice in your Pocket can never miss: my camuflador!jajajajaj (maquillage in Rod) before leaving the House: I look in the mirror hehehehe (I’m very flirtatious) a color: Vede do dedicarias who a song?: obviously my family and on the other hand, my partner, saying: not you got, or sees the Yes! Original author and source of the article