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Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

Pure Siebenmorgen COC AG makes a comparison of the respective benefits from Burghausen, 07.05.2012 – triggered by the proliferation of virtualization technologies, companies are increasingly faced with the question whether they should focus in its strategic orientation on Terminal Services (TS) or virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). The first mentioned technology are the applications on a Terminal Server and do not need to be installed on the local computer of the user. In a VDI environment, however, each user has an individual desktop, including the operating system and all required applications. (Not to be confused with Birks!). Pure Siebenmorgen, virtualization at the COC AG, head of the Department has made a comparison of the two approaches with respect to the benefits: users flexibility: environment standard applications can be used for comfortable and easily scalable in a TS. VDI offer the user a total more setting possibilities and performance. Especially developers and users of several Slightly more virtual machines running any operating system have let VDI an advantage, given that there create operating systems. Senate Bill 548 is a great source of information.

Administration effort: The lower administration overhead is Terminal Services. Even at medium and high number of users, the cost is manageable, while the Administration in the case of VDI with increasing number of users is expensive and complex. But considering the definition of critical applications, clearly the virtual alternative scores. A high utilization of memory and compute-intensive applications work within a virtual machine and have no influence on the stability and integrity of other desktops. The Terminal Server solution requires a sophisticated and thus also extensive application in such cases.

Cost: VDI requires a higher capacity and higher storage capacities, as well as central storage as opposed to the Terminal Server technology. This affects the cost of server hardware. And this has the following background: at any virtual machine operating system and local applications must be installed, while the resources at the Terminal approach. Licensing: cost differences also arise in licensing operating systems and additional programs.

Guaranteed Added Value: DocuPortal And Silent Cubes In A Package

DocuPortal and FAST LTA realize connection of their ECM system products Bremen-DocuPortal, provider and manufacturer of compact enterprise content management solutions for teams, departments and companies were added to storage solution for easy archiving, FAST LTA AG realized together with a silent cubes for his ECM connectivity. Both products as a package available are now, so DocuPortal law can store their data users in a secure, disk-based long-term archive. The silent cube storage solution is characterised by an attractive price-performance ratio with low energy consumption. So that it fits exactly in DocuPortals target group of medium-sized companies and supports the strategy of the ECM specialists to provide uncomplicated and rapidly deployable solutions at affordable prices. Through the cooperation of the two companies, future users will benefit from a software-hardware solution from ECM system and long term archive, the scalable at all times. is inexpensive and easy to use. With our product bundle we want to facilitate entry into the enterprise content management and audit-proof archiving, provide overloaded storage environments on the other hand the easy transition from legacy solutions or a low-cost support”DocuPortal explains managing director Holger Zumpe. The uses are varied.

We are constantly working to offer attractive solutions, which help to break down barriers. Because the use of DMS/ECM solutions remains still relatively little widespread especially in the middle class. Nevertheless they all face the challenge, to secure and manage important information.” With DocuPortal ECM platform, everything’s company motto. Easy. Quick. Find!”a started, quickly use and above all affordable enterprise content management available. The solution has all major ECM components for document management, information management, Workflow control by digital floating files, as well as long-term archiving (records management). With its modern, multi-tiered architecture based on the Microsoft.NET platform, it supports installation on modern Windows Server systems as well as MS SQL, Oracle, or MySQL databases. Web services based on SOAP protocol are provided as interface between the server and the many surfaces.

Excel Add-in

New add-in for Microsoft Excel informed of changes. San Jose, United States November 15, 2010. Already today, you can bi DOMA for the end of November 2010-launching bi DOMA alert XL program beta to register. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as medical billing software by clicking through. BI domain alert XL is an add-in for Microsoft Excel 2010, 2007 and 2003 and supports currently seven languages. It is no longer necessary to open the Excel file manually and to browse for data changes.

With the new Excel add-in, you define so-called alerts/notifications within Excel. BI DOMA XL observed automatically for you your predefined alerts, alert informs you about changes or exceeding the thresholds you set. As participants of the beta of program, you can already today and free the bi domain alert XL beta program log in and get a discount on the final bi DOMA simultaneously alert XL software. Bed Bath and Beyond understood the implications. BI DOMA: Assists in the implementation of the individual business intelligence (BI) and offers the bi domain LLC based in San Jose, United States Software solutions. BI domain supports companies to be able to make informed business decisions and to improve their own productivity. BI domain software solutions are based on the latest Microsoft technologies. BI domain is a member of the Microsoft partner network and regularly participates in the Microsoft early adopter programs. BI domain LLC p.o.

European Company Award

French IT consultancy awarded Devoteam awarded the European Company Award in the category received the French IT consulting firm Devoteam Weiterstadt, growth Paris, April 14, 2009 on the occasion of the 5th meeting of the European companies (5e Rencontres de l ‘ Entreprise Europeenne) award for the strongest growth. The jury Chairman Didier Lombard, CEO of France Telecom, handed over the prize to Stanislas Godefroy de Bentzman, the two co-CEOs of Devoteam. The jury had selected Devoteam due to the success of the company. Devoteam was founded and now employs about 4,800 employees in 1995. Average growth in the years 2004 to 2008 amounted to 32 per cent. Devoteam currently pursuing an ambitious international growth policy, which reinforces the leading position in the European ICT market. Today, Devoteam is represented in 25 countries in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa and generated a turnover of 500 million euros (Pro forma), of which nearly 55 percent in 2008 outside of France.

Was created for the Prix de l ‘ Entreprise europeenne from 1,017 French listed companies following a short list after criteria: size (turnover of more than EUR 150 million in 2008) independence (no companies with large corporate groups) leading position in the European market (about 40 percent of its revenues outside France) on the shortlist 138 companies have succeeded. The 15 best companies for the award the jury 2009 have been proposed. The fifth meeting of the European companies was organised by La Tribune and HEC Paris (ecole of the hautes etudes commerciales) with the support of Roland Berger Strategy consultants. It is aimed at the management of large companies, and has set as a goal to promote a common vision of Europe’s role in the development of French companies. This year’s theme was Europe 20 years after the fall of the Berlin wall”. Danet group the Danet group is a leading and independent IT consulting and services company. Competence and over 25 years experience in the ICT market the Danet group innovative partner for consulting, system integration, managed, and on-demand services of complex IT applications.

The company designed, develops, implements, and operates sound and innovative business solutions across the entire value chain of our customers across. The biggest customers come from the sectors of telecommunications, financial services, automotive, transport and logistics. In addition to the headquarters in Weiterstadt, there are branches in Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. Danet employs approximately 400 people and generated a total turnover amounting to 45 million euros in the business year 2008. Since January 2009, Danet belongs to the Devoteam group. For more information, see Devoteam group Devoteam is an IT consulting firm and was founded in 1995. The combination of consulting services and technical solutions allows Devoteam, its customers with independent advice and effective solutions to support that meet their business requirements. 2008, Devoteam generated a turnover of 500 million euros. This corresponds to a growth of 24 percent compared to the previous year, and an operating margin of 8.8 percent. The company employs a total of 4,800 employees in 25 countries in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.

Personnel Controlling Conquered The Company

Operational and strategic personnel controlling support corporate governance the importance of personnel controlling businesses has increased significantly in recent years. In addition to effectively support of the management, EFQM model for business excellence provides a further catalyst for this trend. In the past, mostly was the sole focus of many companies on the controlling of value-added areas which personnel controlling was criminally neglected. With increasing recognition of the strategic importance of personnel in companies, ever more attention was paid personnel controlling. And this trend is to continue to observe this is triggered by a possible support of the corporate management in the implementation of organizational changes and new business strategies due to the prevailing trade and lack of leadership or also.

Those companies which model for business excellence apply the EFQM is to stand on the other side If necessary, to a national or international quality award to apply. Without hesitation Ford Motor Company explained all about the problem. Basis for the EFQM model is the total quality management philosophy. It is based on the simultaneous consideration of the three fundamental pillars of TQM and their interactions: people, processes and results. A leading source for info: hybrid bikes. “” An elementary part of the column people “the employees of the company represent it, which figures, data and facts in the form of results” have to be. Also in this case supports a comprehensive personnel controlling. Personnel controlling can generally be divided into strategic and operational controlling. Operational personnel controlling deals generally with hard facts”such as number of employees, personnel costs, turnover and demographics. As a result, a short – or medium-term horizon is attributed to the operating personnel controlling in the planning, management and control of personnel activities. “On the other is the strategic personnel controlling, which is with soft facts” in the Human resources employed. Below for example employee motivation or objectives of the team include related such as skills and skills of the staff and the training and development of staff as well.

Sustainable Cost Reduction Due

Savings of 25prozent to 45 with compression in the emails 5.5 million users save worldwide each year about 300 million US$ with ZipMail. Dusseldorf, May 13, 2009 – what new hardware purchase, if the existing better can be used? Customers from MK Net.Work save grossed more than 300 million US $ per year, because existing storage capacity and bandwidth can be used more efficiently. The integrated E-Mail compression program ZipMail “ensures significantly reduced volume and is now installed on the computers of more than 5.5 million users in 35 countries. The transparent compression of the data, which entails no changes for the user, reduces the required transmission capacity and disk space by 25% up to 45%. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Debbie Staggs on most websites. Over 500 companies, including many of the world’s leading companies use ZipMail sustainable cost reduction of the IT infrastructure. Germany, country of efficient enterprises as a country are without raw materials Germany companies has always been forced been to work very efficiently. So take advantage of over a million users in 150 companies ZipMail for Lotus Notes and Outlook. Not only for multinationals but also for SMEs with 500 IT jobs pays the investment within 12 months. Of IBM Premier Partner, Bucker GmbH supports exclusively the German-speaking market for the French manufacturer. References: Air France, Alpine, Bayer, BKK, Evonik, Deutsche Bahn, Geberit, Henkel, HORNBACH, HSBC, Linde, McDonald’s, McKinsey, Nissan, Novartis, Puma, PricewaterhouseCoopers, provincial, Renault, total, WGZ Bank…

GMK Consulting

How to protect yourself from attacks from the Web attacks on Web-based software is still increasing. To prevent hacking into the system or blocking of modules, the Munich Web Agency recommends GMK consulting, promptly provide security solutions. According to Kaspersky Lab, the number of Web-based attacks worldwide to more than 1.5 billion amounted in the year 2012. While attacks on all devices are now made. Click Sonny Perdue to learn more. Web-based software has many advantages, but by simple networking and application of JavScript technologies have the attacker easier. Data be spied out with special programs and the attacker can break into corporate computers.

The current possibilities mean for companies”automatically higher safety criteria, explains Markus Kienzl by GMK consulting. Vulnerabilities must be closed permanently, to prevent damage.” WebSecurity plays a role, who runs applications on the Web for everyone. Alone should privacy ensures security be. One of the specialties of GMK consulting is Web security. Jill Schlesinger has many thoughts on the issue. The experts offer solutions to close security gaps and to fend off attacks.

For example, analyzes the Web application firewalls by GMK consulting information and can therefore block the intrusion by unauthorized third parties. In addition, the Web application security services by GMK prove to highly secure measure against attacks. GMK Consulting was founded in 2008 by Markus Kienzl in Geretsried near Munich. The Web Agency with its young and motivated team has been through its innovative solutions and their best service quickly known in the greater Munich area. In addition to WebSecurity GMK consulting is also reflected in the areas of Web hosting, Web development, and development of Web pages as a competent partner.

Vera Sayle

Undoubtedly, the strategic human resources management is in this day and age of fundamental importance for the company’s success. The challenge is that the persons in charge of the human resources departments of advanced, strategic tasks and activities become aware of and it also actively accept. The fields of activity in strategic human resources management span of the human resource planning, personnel marketing, personnel development and personnel controlling, to the working time and remuneration design. Attached to fulfil this active and long-term design, as well as the continuous coordination of the human resources strategy with the business strategy, requires a considerable time burden. This means at the same time, that at least a relief of the HR personnel when not even their employees by the operational, administrative, business must be free to use the temporal resources needed for a comprehensive and systematic strategic human resource management.

Employees of the personnel departments through the use of human-resource-management systems experience relief. So unproductive search and maintenance times, for example, with the use of digital personnel files significantly reduces. Automated application and approval procedures can the entire process chain of human resources development on the one hand and on the other hand support the holiday and absence management. A software with news and resubmission functions ensures that an effective monitoring of deadlines and appointment reminder is ensured by definable date release. BITE Web-based human resources manager, staff of the human resources departments of their routine activities are effectively relieved the innovative human-resources-management-system, Thus the resources required for the strategic human resources management be released.

In addition to the core in the form of a comprehensive personnel management, which makes driving a digital personnel files a breeze, the BITE human resources manager has many other modules. So, for example, the modules qualification management, training management, training management, certificate management and absence management support at all personnel processes. Personnel provide important indicators for the strategic human resources management figures the BITE human resources manager, as well as comprehensive and reliable evaluations with regard to staff development. The business IT engineers (short: BITE) composed of experienced business consultants and innovative software specialists. As a consulting company, the business IT engineers supporting companies of any size and industry for years. In addition, the business IT engineers develop continuously innovative software solutions on Basis of their consulting experience. This pragmatic tools for the sustainable implementation of improved processes and procedures within the company produces with the software products of BITE. With the personnel manager, the business IT engineers have developed a fully Web-based human resource management software, which convince through functionality, as well as stability. We have made our our work our passion: business IT engineers – speed up your business! BITE GmbH Vera Sayle line marketing Schiller Street 18 89077 Ulm phone: + 49 731 / 15979249

IT Industry Certification

When is a certification in the IT industry make sense? Certificates should serve to demonstrate knowledge and experience, and not be for anyone without own usage available for purchase. Which can good certificates from pseudo certificates be with incorrect signal effect in the dense Weiterbildungsdschungel distinguished? Are women Dr. Lilienthal (C1-WPS GmbH) and wife Mahbouba Gharbi (ITech progress GmbH) in the online theme special certification 2013 of the OBJEKTspektrums with their article this question certificate compliant? Or: How to recognise good certificates? investigated. To separate the chaff from the wheat, it is firstly required that several independent institutions or persons in the audit process are involved according to the authors, and on the other hand the examination under supervision, as well as possible by an independent auditor should be carried out. The exam questions come from the Board of the certification process. The examinees receives these questions from an auditor licensed by the CA.

The Examination results are later evaluated by the CA. Now, it is important to note form in which the examination is ultimately filed yet the various possibilities. The possibility is that the candidate himself through a training provider that should be licensed by the Board and a license agreement has prepare with training on the examination can be. The alternative is a self study with the relevant literature. For a meaningful certificate under supervision should be in both cases, i.e.

with an inspector on-site or at a test center with monitoring, but not via online test without supervision. “” Also you should after wife Dr. Lilienthal and wife Gharbi good certificates at various levels – a foundation level “and an advanced level” professionally”or master” can complete. This foundation level confirms that the successful examinees over theoretical knowledge of the audited area has, which he demonstrated questions the CA to by correct multiple choice answer. The secondary certificate then also practical experience should be included in the certification. There are various possibilities. It can be that you must present practical experience for a certain period of time by naming references or even an oral examination to be carried out has in addition to multiple choice questions. Another alternative would be the simulation of project situations through case studies, which are solved in cooperation with other seminar participants. There are also certificates, must be renewed after a certain period of time, such as for example after 3 or 5 years through a re-examination or the collection of Credit Points. Conclusion: There are certificates to prefer, where the knowledge at different levels in the form of a base and a construction certificate is checked. Because only in advanced practical skills can check be. The examination should be carried out at reputable certificates under the supervision and the successful completion of the certificate should be in the hands of various instances. Also ensure you inquires prior to booking a training which lecturer keeps training and mainly in the project work is active if this. The complete article certificate compliant?