Every day a photo on Kappa for Photocase users registered, Berlin, December 5, 2008 – Christmas is coming and is also the Berlin picture Agency and Photocommunity Photocase day until Christmas Eve. But Photocase not Photocase, you would have something special for this ritual. Therefore, the in-house Christmas fairy presented the daily gifts in the video stream since December 2 on the home page. Of course, in the unmistakable style of Photocase. And with their gifts can look the Berlin: because registered Photocase users get the chance to win a photo on Kappa-drawn every day. The images selected are of course from the extraordinary archive of Photocase. More info: James David.
The winner of the previous day and the new photo will be announced from the Christmas fairy and her friends always from 10: 00. Who had no luck in the lottery, you can buy the prints in the Adventsshop. In addition Photocase has undergone an extensive update to December 2. It includes among others the Simplification and update the terms of use and the redesign of the pricing and licensing structure. About Photocase Photocase is one of the most frequented photo portals in German. It is the ideal focal point for photographers and Fotosuchende, that of conventional stock photography tired look and search for overdue imagery. In contrast to many other portals, Photocase checks the quality of the photos before they are included in the archive. Photocase stands for inspiring, high-quality photography since its inception in 2001. Contact Katharina Koth Photocase Addicts GmbH Roth first breed 20 10245 Berlin