For the same reason is also recommended and gossip, especially in the Russian-speaking families. Sometimes, the hostess will call from work, say, for example: "Walking today is not necessary – it Yesterday you had a cold and do not forget to turn off the light in the bathroom – you'll often forget, and even voice some sort – a pity, of course. Baby-sitter turns the whole day like a squirrel in a wheel, cooking, feeding, washing, cleaning, tinkering with a stranger child, and then there's nagging – so fall through the language of something like "themselves to you yesterday, chill!". But in general, to argue with those who hired you – a more expensive, so our housekeeper is trying to keep silent, and then sits on the phone and – let girlfriends: and my-then such-and-so- – and well, its in everyone. And everything was bugged. In no case can not, and impose their parenting practices.
In fact, in one family, for example, say: "You should be good Girl, share their toys "- like I always told her, and in the other – prepare the child for the fight:" You must survive in this life, do not let anyone anything, it is yours, and let no one touch. " There never guess, but that is not your business. Your concern that the child was clean, fed, healthy and smiling. ambitions The hardest thing for our women – to understand that the baby-sitter and House-Kipper – it's just a nanny and housekeeper, and nothing more.