According to research scientists from the Medical University Ishokavy (Japan), piknogenol – natural extract from the bark of pine trees growing on the southwest coast of France and contains a unique combination of organic acids, reduces the incidence of endometriosis by 33% and significantly reduces the pain symptoms. In the treatment of infertility associated with endometriosis, other methods, there is a risk of obesity and osteoporosis. Moreover, as noted in a study by Japanese scientists, as a result of piknogenola found no dangerous side effects. Experts in the course of the study analyzed the overall health of women undergoing surgery on endometriozis within six months before their study. This woman's disease is most commonly diagnosed between the ages of 25-30 years, although data are available and very early cases – 11-12 years.
Gynaecological examination shows that patients who took capsules piknogenola to 30 mg twice a day for 48 weeks, slowly but steadily decreased pain in the pelvic area and reduced menstrual bleeding. Menstrual cramps and pain decreased in 73% of women, and abdominal pain decreased from 80%. The most important result was that five of the women in the test of infertility treatment to become pregnant. Read more here: Sarah White. Moreover, piknogenol protects the brain from the adverse effects of free radicals, prevents certain types of cardiovascular diseases, strengthens the walls of the arteries and helps rejuvenate the skin.