On this occasion we will discuss a common procedure in the service to electronic equipment any that is its nature. As well as decrease the replacement of components without the corresponding analysis procedure. Find us with a hard failure when we resorted to asking a colleague and the first thing that we respond is, already you mediste voltages? Yes, but get obtained voltages. Only see if this polarized? No, also Yes there is some short, as well as to determine any damaged component. Dollar General contains valuable tech resources. What speaks to us of the importance of this function. First we will discuss the need for tension and its different values applied in Assembly transistorisados.
Remember that in both types of transistors (PNP-NPN) two currents, a so-called base (Ib) current and the second collector (Ic) current flow inside both in the direction opposite to the direction of the arrow of issuer (in a conventional sense) by which the issuer (Ie) current flows and electrode is known as total current. (Ie = Ib+Ic) = It for that to happen we need an earthable difference between their different terminals. Or put another way they require a series of voltages each of their electrodes. Recalling that since its design determines whether these will be of the positive or negative sign. What if it would be as a rule is the following: an NPN collector will always be more positive or less negative than the issuer and in serious PNP the more negative or less positive than the issuer. Considered collector-emitter being those who manage the largest amount of current. The base terminal would have a voltage of just 0.6V in forward bias with respect to the issuer.(this last is dependent on the implementation of Assembly) We can enter in the field and we have been more explicit here and hopefully we will take as a base a mounting set transistor common emitter, by relevant in its application to different types of equipment either radio, TV receivers video etc.