Climate protection and the interests of the industry associations INDIFFERENCE IN the question of the structure of the success of the renewable energies Act (EEG) is located in the governance: investors must according to degressive rates of EEG their systems always more efficient, more reliable and cheaper offer. For more specific information, check out Sonny Perdue. This is solid. In addition a bonus will be paid the, which operates its system decentralized and equipped with combined heat and power. This is really good, so thought also 47 other States, which put the EEG as a so-called feed in tariff model into their own regulations. Official site: financial planner. “Pioneer Germany changed but now the rules of the game: with the campaign plate or tank” nature protection associations have pointed out the deforestation of the rain forest and the use as an alternative fuel in power generation the context. The policy response? The bonus for electricity from renewable resources (biomass) to for example no longer be paid for Palm oil and soybean oil that not environmentally and socially sustainably produced, so the Bill.
Maybe a first step against climate change, as many hope. While the market has overtaken long worthy considerations of the CO2 savings. Within a year, the price of crude palm oil from 450 to 850 EUR has nearly doubled. That drives local CHP operators who can operate their plants only break even at a price of 550 to 600 EUR, now in bankruptcy, especially if they have no long-term supply contracts. In the energy field the outlets are dead”, so Bernd Geisen of the Federal Association of bioenergy. Where no CHP plants running or planned, is also not research and development invested in German engineering concern views this development? A sustainable”market transformation so. But they were used 2005/2006, the EU imported 4.9 million tonnes of palm oil in the marketing year only to 20% for vegetable oil-powered block heat and power plants.
The far greater proportion pommes frites and chocolate on the food and beverage sector to produce such chips, margarine, In addition to chemical raw materials for cosmetics such as lipsticks and shampoo: with the needed palm oil for the 5.5 million litres produced in Germany ice cream (equivalent to 8.5 kg per German citizen) a city like Stuttgart could be locally for a whole year with electricity and heat supply, industry experts expect above. Lots of explosive is exactly in this context: who wants to climate protection, must not stop before the interests of powerful industry associations. Watching developments on the world market require concrete steps of governance. Finally: sustainability for everyone – regardless of the form of use. The EEG is there possibly a hopeful beginning. PETER EWERS