One of the biggest benefits of selling on the internet is that you can offer a personalized service that is not normally able to provide outside the internet. Perhaps you are asking how to do it? The answer is deceptively easy: Email. Offering valuable information in exchange for the names and addresses of its visitors email, you can build a huge list of potential clients and then use email to build a strong relationship with them over time. When you have a business offline, without any kind of internet presence. Your only chance to contact its visitors is when they come into your shop. But when you sell online, you can use email to communicate regularly with their clients, no matter that they are at work, in an internet with your notebook Cafe, or in the comfort of your own home.
There are 5 rules that can help you deliver a specialized and personalized online service: rule no. 1: with respect to your list. One of the biggest benefits of email is that it helps to overcome buyer resistance because it can encourage subscribers to trust you. But first, you have to prove that it is reliable! You have to respect your list, and think about the needs of their subscribers than in yours. And you have to fill your expectations by delivering what you promise. For example, if they are in your list opt-in is because you have been offered a report full of valuable information, be sure to give them a free report packed with valuable information not a sales pitch. Also, resist the urge to flood your list with only promotional emails each week. Emails with free valuable information you send should exceed in number completely promotional messages. If not, your subscribers will opt out of your list in herds. Finally, be sure to include a message with its policy of privacy rights in the form that is within your site.