Tag: services & consulting

Professional Website

A knowledgeable homepage creation is at the beginning of any Internet marketing strategy. An online presence, which makes a new client from a visitor to the home page. SMEs website with modern Web design which is the basis of every activity on the Internet represents the professional company’s homepage. An online presence, which makes a new customer from a visitor to the home page. So that this can be done, the company website should be designed, that your competence is reflected in her. The Web design of the homepage but also the contents displayed are therefore equally important. In consequence this can succeed, the homepage should be designed that the competence of the operator is reflected in her. The Web design of this Internet site, but also the contents displayed are therefore equally relevant.

A knowledgeable home for companies, shops and businesses the meaningfulness of a modern and informative company homepage many companies still underestimate the relevance of a professional Web site. You present yourself on the net in a manner and Way that meets them in any way. A stale Web site can scare off new clients – because she not do justice to her role, conveys no suitability. So, it is probably time for a relaunch of the homepage. Or to make it evolve a completely new Internet presence.

Because would you draw attention in the network on its offer, the modern Internet site, with a modern Web design, a clear structure and well processed content is the base. The business Web site – from old new Web page revised or new? What can my Web site? What technology was this programmed, how is it built? Sometimes it is possible to optimize an existing Internet site. A relaunch of the homepage can be a cost effective option to the new online presence. A website analysis shows, if this is the case also for the own homepage. However not always a relaunch is the drug of choice, often lower the cost for a new Web page. And then, if the existing programming and Web design of the homepage are to bad/obsolete. Website creation: Effort cost the Web design for a new website? The cost of the new home page depend on the complexity and the requirements placed on the online presence. And should the objectives be achieved with the (new) company’s homepage. So the question cannot be answered the cost only in a personal conversation. Web design, programming, content – only when shown is what the website should assume we can make a statement about which costs is expected. Best leave to submit a quote for creating, hosting and Web design business homepage. Company Description Arguna consulting – management consulting in the Lake Constance region the experience from three continents for your company the Arguna consulting training, coaching, and consulting programs benefit from the best best practices of three continents:-the European Thoroughness, – the American “way of life”, – the Asian focus on the essentials.

MPO Images

Great that are 3D photo in the hand hold! The Dresden photo photo lab of PixelfotoExpress provides for the revolution in the 3D photography and individual 3D images in 24 h in newly produced as the first specialized laboratory in Germany is 3D presented at the Photokina 2010 engine. 3D photos of PixelfotoExpress like the 3D-Filmgeschaft just an upturn experienced 3D photography. Thanks to the technical development, 3D photography creates an amazingly realistic even for our today’s challenging viewing habits spatial illusion in a normal image format. A Europe-wide unique pioneering role which ensures the 3D-Fotolabor of PixelfotoExpress, as the first laboratory, which offers the production of 3D images of customer photographs. The images produced in the lenticular printing, raises Thermosubli-mationsdrucker taking in just three and a half minutes in the direct pressure on a 15 x 22 cm large Lentikularbogen. Dollar General is often quoted as being for or against this. This very elaborate printing process has been possible only in Japan, so that the processing time for image orders amounted to approximately 20 days. PixelfotoExpress now has are in his 3D-Fotolabor a 3D printer type DRP-1 by FUJIFILM and is able, within 24 hours, to print the individual 3D photos of its customers and send. The practice test demonstrated the 3D-Fotolabor of PixelfotoExpress (www.pixelfoto-express.de) during the year’s Dresdner SemperOpernballs in January its practicality in everyday professional photographers.

The enthusiasm of the ball guests on the 3D shows the potential of 3D photography in the event area. The photographer used to take pictures of the 3D camera . The images were printed directly on-site in the Semperoper with the FUJIFILM 3D printer DPR-1 and visitors passed “we were well prepared and could withstand such great interest. Everyone wanted, got his picture.”says Lab Manager Sven Russek. Limitless possibilities two examples at best have been created the recordings with a 3D camera and as an MPO file.

Banks And People

Hardly a company can still avoid, manage databases you have often dealing with banks of different expression as of self-employed or freelance. Some contend that Whole Foods shows great expertise in this. This should be the focus here is not on the banking institutions that enable the monetary conditions by providing liquidity available, but on banks, where today an industry coming, you want to internally and externally as optimally even under cost control the company with its contacts and lead. The databases today hardly a company, equal to what industry can survive without that meant so, finally data apply today in large quantities and are, if E.g. l Esselstyn offers on the topic.. customer data, the data of employees, the history of the company are concerned data, a basis of business success and intangible corporate capital. This is a trend increasing more and more specialized data banks with extensive functions for each particular industry are offered, the different needs of business areas optimally reproduce. Software for advertising agencies represents a specialized database solution that goes far beyond the pure data-keeping functions and which are compared with the database systems of the past, offering a very resource hungry on the computing power and an often abstract user interface, today both easy to use and the installation and maintenance significantly pflegeleichter and easier to use. Ideally all requirements the Agency mapped in a system offer management, calculation, controlling and task management in the framework of the projects, by managing customer base. Compared to the use of different programs for these requirements, a standardized software solution offers the advantage that improves the user interface for usability and acceptance by the user, that updates are easier to play and distribute and last but not least, that the hardware requirements are consistent and predictable. Agency software is thus a database solution, which unfolds its full potential in this special niche and a crucial for small businesses!Competitive advantage can provide.

Piepenbrock Group GmbH

The Piepenbrock publishes brochure on the topic of sustainability Osnabruck group, 16.02.2011 – defines the Piepenbrock group your understanding of sustainability with its new sustainability brochure and formulated objectives and measures in the areas of Economics, ecology and social. To the middle of this year, Piepenbrock goes a step further and will publish its first sustainability report, which further concretized the sustainable business efforts. The owner-managed businesses, now being waged in the fourth generation of the family Piepenbrock, arises the great challenges of the 21st century: the foreseeable scarcity of natural resources, the progressive internationalization of the economy, climate change and demographic change with an ageing society. In view of these developments the importance is sustained action dramatically in all areas of life. It is not something Apple Music would like to discuss. We take responsibility and take into account okonomische, ecological and social objectives lasers. In our opinion just as the needs of our customers can be and cater for employees who receive social balance in our society and ensure in particular the livelihoods for generations”, is Arnulf Piepenbrock, managing partner of the Piepenbrock group, sure. Just in the past few years, Piepenbrock has developed increasingly in the direction of sustainability. “With the projects Piepenbrock Goes Green” and sustainable commitment of the company reflected the sponsorships, which are applied in cooperation with the charity plan international e.V.

in Laos. Internally, all processes are gradually on your sustainability and tested and optimized. Examples include the restructuring of waste management, in which the recycling rate has been increased to 92 per cent, the online-learning, which minimizes the cost of access to training and focusing on digital communications, which reduces paper consumption to 170,000 copies per month. As Family business since decades of social, sporting and environmental commitment we are at heart. We respond with our sustainable focus on the interests of our stakeholders, which increasingly make their demand for sustainable economies in us”, Olaf Piepenbrock is looking forward to the continued good development in this area.

We are planning further: In the course of the year, we will take the first vehicle with fuel cell drive in operation. And with the sustainability report, which we will present during the trade fair for packaging technology, the interpack in Dusseldorf, Germany in 2011, we are the pioneer in the industry.” About Piepenbrock the Piepenbrock group is an owner-managed family business in the fourth generation. Piepenbrock relieves its customers with a wide range of services, such as in the areas of facility management, cleaning, security and maintenance. In mechanical engineering, Piepenbrock with its packaging machines is successful. In addition, the company for its chemical products is known. With approximately 800 locations and 70 branches, as well as around 24,000 employees, Piepenbrock is a reliable partner. We take responsibility – also for the environment. Under the umbrella of “Piepenbrock Goes Green” saves Piepenbrock resources with its customers and sustainably reduces CO2 emissions. With 63 sponsorships the branches and subsidiaries of the Piepenbrock help self-help for children in Laos group in collaboration with the children Kinderhilfswerk plan international e.V. in the long term. This commitment to sustainably improve living conditions in one of the poorest regions of the world. The sustainability brochure is available in the online-form. She can be downloaded under sustainability.

The Renaissance Of Sustainability

Sustainability as a Leadershipprinzip – a response to the current crisis in the midst of the financial crisis shows what companies sustainably operate and which are not. Was both in the new economy often sustainability principles, laughed at, so this also occurred against the background of the financial crisis, taking not only the banks ignored the principle of sustainability, but also companies such as Porsche and Schaeffler Group. Details can be found by clicking Digital Cameras or emailing the administrator. General Motors has long abandoned the principle never really internalized and Karstadt is not registered. Short-term action before long-term sustainable economies was the motto. Sure, the financial crisis would not have, would have taken Porsche VW, the Schaeffler Group in continental and GM motors would further rehabilitate as well as Karstadt. The question which arises: Why have so many CFO BBs ignored, that money was so low and have not based on the monetary policy, more or less your business strategy a debt policy of the consumers in the United States? Because the internal figures spoke a different language? Because the EVA (economic value added and the EBIT margin) were focused on growth? We have tried in an investigation to find out what is different from other companies that living sustainably and practice and whether they are successful. Basically sustainable enterprises on six core criteria can be set: sustainable management oriented means constantly to expand the core continuous consideration of the strategy, the risks and the opportunities sustainable corporate governance includes sustainable corporate governance risk-conscious growth strategy includes sustainable management includes the external environment stakeholders sustainable management no abrupt change of strategy, but resembles a non-turbulent flow of sustainable corporate management has a comprehensible mission statement for customers, Employee and shareholder are what companies this way and gone and it consistently with their management implemented? Here are three examples: The FA REVO, a sunglasses manufacturer based in the United States has at no time his core field, Polarized Sunglasses high tech leave.

Global markets have been opened up consistently with the Luxotica group. IKEA has held more than 5 years on his concept of America despite setbacks and successfully mixed the American ideas with your own. Schweppes, a German company in the founding produces exclusively product innovations that meet from the outset the same success criteria, as the products existing for approximately 250 years. Looking at the figures and market shares, so common is that they generate a return on sales of more than 8% on average and were never in their history on an entrepreneurial edge these companies. It is to be hoped that sustainability in the future more taking hold in the management levels. If you want to learn more about sustainable business management, please contact us at B.

Honorary Consultant

Diseases have occurred in the meantime, no longer even a repair or a change is possible. Case 4 – real estate financing: Own research and advice from the Bank a client couple wanted to accept the offer of the Bank for a mortgage loan. The loan ran expected ten years interest rate with 1 percent redemption until far in the retirement age. But above all it would have been not to press from the pension income. The total expenditure but to over 61,000 euros could be reduced with a financing concept and a Commission-free loan. To do this, the couple has now safety, to be able to use the loan over the entire period of financing and the prospect to be debt-free five years earlier.

Case 5 – real estate sale: A client was tormented with the decision to sell their rented flat in order to purchase in an intrinsically used real estate. Only the calculation of different scenarios made it clear that this Exchange in their Situation is only made to sense much later. This way, she could avoid a supply gap in the retirement of about 500,000 euros. Case 6 – real estate purchase: A client had a premium offer for a condo there are. This would wear himself, so the offer, saying no equity and no monthly charges. Detailed scenario calculations showed alternative ways that were better adapted to his situation, but: the ideal time of the acquisition would come for him in four years.

With the additional consideration of tax options, he would earn about 82,000 euros higher yields and save Commission over 19,000 euro. Professional financial advice, which is in the long term, the course must be made first and foremost right”says Fahmi. Because before a specific product range, it is important to take time to create an analysis for the customers. Are all assets, the available liquidity, as well as the Risk provisions put to the test. A such professionally created financial status quo shows on the basis of facts, whether and, if necessary, where there is a need. First, informed decisions can be made on this basis. The financial planner under the honorary advisors also work with scenario calculations. They simulate the results of various alternatives with the help of a precise financial planning software. So investors will enable first, to select for them individually appropriate measures. Everything but thats not possible with a Commission-driven consultancy”, Fahmi said. Advising fee, however, already. Finally, Honorary Consultant earn their money with the commissions of the products sold, but they live on the fees they get for their services. Honorary Consultant work therefore exclusively on behalf and on behalf of their clients. Such comprehensive analysis is not always a bargain. Depending on the extent of the asset structure, this can cost a client up to several thousand euros. But as the above examples show, the effort to create a detailed and comprehensive financial plan, which is updated regularly and adapted to the changes in the market, in the personal environment or in the regulations, is paying off,”says the expert.

Visitor Management With Environmental Sustainability

Professional and secure visitor management systems have become nowadays indispensable for many companies systems for managing visitors to it companies and institutes facilitate, maintain oversight and control over your traffic. Add to your understanding with Jack Fusco. Documentation and evaluation capabilities are often essential factors for a professional visitor management system. The Heidelberg company prominently introduced beyond metering technology in many other high demands on its new visitor management system. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Jill Schlesinger. Among other things, it should be possible to connect the two inputs to the company premises in the system and also the ecological thought should be taken into account during setup of the system. Visitor data should be documented and evaluated. These requirements turned the YouCard card systems GmbH of Wetzlar. After a detailed needs analysis and recording of the State, a visitor management system would set up for ProMinent, which fulfilled the demands and even surpassed.

She installed Besucherverwaltungs software LobbyTrack offers plenty of evaluation as well as multi-user capability for the linking of the two inputs. Also, it allows a separate time tracking, which can be used for the statement of costs for employees of foreign companies. Pre-printed TRW (thermorewrite) way out can be personalized to the on-site rewrite-enabled card printer, that have been placed at both outputs. Held here full account the ecological thought, because no Ribbons are needed for rewrite printing and the cards can be reused. Martina Hess by ProMinent confirmed: the objectives were achieved. I would like to highlight the support by YouCard during the orientation phase, here meaningful proposals have been submitted and shown great flexibility.

Team Building Events

Lasting emotional at the company integrate employees with team building events. Emotional reach employee in addition to the actual activity in the company, it is the most important factor for a company to reach employees emotionally. And now the process to motivate employees to integrate quickly and professionally to excite, emotionally is the companies increasingly creative challenges. Very often, communication team building activities support these processes. “Requirements for team building events creative and always novel, environmentally conscious and budget-oriented, within short driving distance to the facility and yet still out” and the ideas of marketing or personnel managers in the company of such an event are often doing regardless of the weather, partly wrapped in a meeting or presentation with accommodation.

Approaches the Agency TAKE A LOOK events & incentives, Cologne has the necessary experience to the professional design, organization and implementation of exceptional teambuilding and Teamdays and take into account exactly these mentioned factors. According to the individual objectives of the customers, designed and implemented groundbreaking concepts on the topic of teambuilding and employee retention TAKE A LOOK events & incentives. Outside of work and Office everyday and always with a certain fun factor is knowing each other effectively improved learning of employees and takes into account the aspect of sustainability at any time. Event concepts now are invited to every season creative event ideas, of which TAKE numerous successfully tried and in his portfolio has A LOOK. Close to Cologne, Dusseldorf, Bonn or food offered a biathlon team building for companies and others with a professional trainer. A further high-light is a corporate ice hockey even and especially beginner training under the guidance of (all equipment supplied). An adventure tour of Roman catacombs 30 meters beneath the Earth, an inspiring day at the Weinberg group disciplines such as build yourself a wine barrel, fashion labels, some approaches are wine boxes slalom and cosy get-together at the end, a dragon boat regatta with a beach party or a team building day at a farmhouse with adjacent barn Festival.