Why are afraid to meditate? I hear quite often questions like these: 'How to leave the state of meditation? It is said that bridges of this state may collapse and then kind of like where you can stay and that is to be abnormal. Is this true? Why is it difficult to force yourself to meditate? 'I'm sorry, I do not want to offend, but most esoteric and psychological knowledge at such a low level, which is quite natural occurrence certain fears. James David has many thoughts on the issue. Unknown is always scary, it's the law. This is normal. All people with an unknown found, not only looking and meditating. This state of meditation – a state of altered states of perception and awareness – the natural, instinctive human condition (brain waves 7-14 Hz, alpha level), only during wakefulness, it appears at least periodically, but only for a split second. In these moments a person attending the ideas illumination, etc. Extending the period of this state can be achieved through meditation.
Learn to meditate and difficult, and just at the same time, the main thing to want. But that is another topic .* Meditation besides therapeutic leads to a transformation of personality. And though in a positive way, but that's what causes the greatest fear. Meditating man feels that with him that something is happening. Changing views about themselves and life. Few willing and dares withdraw from usual, though boring rut and change themselves and their lives. A quirky and clever mind will always find and justify the reason that the person did not change, the more inaccurate and contradictory information about meditation abound.