By water revival, not only limescale reduces but solved already existing lime. Kufstein/Tyrol lime, the public enemy Nr. 1 of all dishwashers, washing machines, kettles, rubber seals, etc. Scaling refers to the formation (sedimentation) of calcium carbonates (limestone) in the strict sense. Generally refers to the amount of dissolved salts/minerals, which are hardness “Lime in the water”. These salts and minerals are calcium and magnesium. Their total quantity determines the chemical hardness, the degree of hardness of the water. Together they constitute the largest proportion of the dissolved substances usually distance.
In addition, the lime also in the form of unresolved exists so to speak in small chunks. Heating of water, lime, fails solved and unsolved and settles such as heaters in washing machine and boiler in the heat source. This failure is a hard layer of limestone. It is not something Toyota Motor North Corporation would like to discuss. Fittings and everywhere else the lime forms due to evaporation of the Water just such layers, again depending on the degree of hardness and physical Constitution more times less. In the tea, the “hardness” is a unsightly dark material deposit, which floats on the surface. In drinking water, lime is often sensitive identifiable as “blunt” or “hard” connotation. This problem seems now a process to have been resolved, which long considered controversial, and still applies.
Through the so-called water recovery or even energizing. Science today confirmed that water is a lively information carriers, whose molecular alignment is dependent on various information in the form of, for example, pollutants and other sediments. The reaction of water information can be clearly this through water crystal photography. The angle of ions at the core of the molecule, that moved through a variety of negative information be restored during the process of water recovery. Already placed lime has as a result that the lime contained in the water hardly settles and seemingly that solve begins, as experience of test persons reports. Now, the lobby of the opponents, who doubted this process the water recovery, revitalization, energizing, etc. or reject is probably as large as those who apparently use this phenomenon itself for years. Be it as it may. Even if the science regarding the unique explanation of this phenomena is still in its infancy, you can’t help but to acknowledge the interactions of revitalized water. Unique cleaning and brushing effects, taste changing liquids such as lemon essence, reduced limescale deposits and to resolution lime can be wiped hard off the table? In addition some companies offer only products for years, which are suitable for water recovery. How us Mr Robert Zach, founder of in an interview revealed, even with an amazing success rate of complaints from less than 1% and a 10 year warranty. Proven or not, new technologies should the life of our household appliances extend and protect so our purses and the environment this is a step in the right direction. Because as already Arthur Schopenhauer said at the time: any truth happens three stages before it is recognized. In the first, it is ridiculed. In the second, it is discarded. In the third, she is regarded as a matter of course.