This vision of the future can depend on forecast systems, knowledge of the situation in that the company is inserted and a logical model of projection of scenes, that locates the organization and its necessities. The process of Planning and programming of the Production the planning process is continuous and to each moment it must yourself be had the notion of the present situation, the intended vision of future, objectives and the agreement of as these elements affect the decisions that if must take in the gift. The theoreticians Corra and Gianesi approach the dynamics of the process, following a logical sequence of the programming of production: Levantamento of the present situation. The planning system must ' ' fotografar' ' the situation where if they find the involved activities and resources; Mapeamento of the production necessities (commercial demand); Elaborao of the programming; Execuo. Digital Cameras: the source for more info. According to theoreticians Corra and Gianesi, the Planning of the production is used of some item to define its necessities. Planning control of the Production possesss diverse data entries in which they go to assist in the taking of decision of what to produce, where to produce and with which resources. In the end of the process, the PCP sector emits the order of production for the operational system of the organization. In accordance with the theoretical citations of Moreira (1996), the organization must extend the planning in three horizontes of time: , and in the long run in the near future short-term. Source: Debbie Staggs.
The planning of the production in the long run (PPLP) relates the horizon of bigger or equal time to one year. In this stage it is evaluated productive capacity and is compared with the strategical planning. Scenes for 3, 5 can be created and 10 years, when it is determined or necessity not to evaluate a possible expansion of the productive capacity. The planning of the production in the near future (PPMP) can cover a period of 3 up to 12 months.