If it exists barriers, you can exceed them. If he exists difficulties, them go to finish, therefore you will be capable to face all the barriers and to win all the obstacles. I know that fear is not its motto and yes courage, to face everything that to come for the front, to step on in somebody does not intend, to be pisoteado by somebody never, to never play except its dreams for besteira, to follow in front is optimum if to make, as? You go to know. It is a simple form to try to help somebody when it is found that it needs, I know that you are strong the sufficient one to exceed these small obstacles and to win to all the barriers, close to you they are only very small ants, know that does not need me for this, but exactly thus without knowing if you go to like or me I did not feel in the right to write you these simple words and wait she never serves that you of some thing, that can help you to surpass these barriers therefore you is superior they, if feels inferior its problems, fights against they, more good makes of the game of the life its departure. (As opposed to CAGR). At this accurate moment I find that it must be if asking: Who thinks that she is this girl to interfere itself thus in my life? It will be that it thinks that necessary of it to know what I make or I leave to make. I only wait that it has not only taken the evil I am somebody that is part of this world, that also passes for problems and tries to surpass them, commits errors as all human being and looks for to decide them, I have fears I look for to win them, and for being plus a person in this enclosure for bullfighting of the life that passes for everything this and I do not know that I can help to improve the world, or at least part of it, I know that I am not the woman wonder, but also know that all we are heroes of ours life, is enough to want, and at this accurate moment you it is finishing of reading of mine considered more important acts, to help somebody to offer my friendship, not with falseness but with the biggest sincerity. I can more not be the person indicated for you to help, but exactly thus I preferred to try, I did not only write for writing, when I gave to account already me found writing, and when the things happen perhaps he is not for, an everything has its intention and mine at this moment are to help you, you were that vi there that this belongs you. Everything in the life remembers passes.