They make a revision of what it was made and of what was for making. What it had beginning, way and end and what was for the half. But and you, what you felt of the life in 2011? Which the feelings that had prevailed in your heart? your emotional balance, resisted the temptation so easily to give up the life and the people? You lived with all intensity in this year? He laughed when he was pra to laugh and he cried pains and the losses? You respected your pain? You obtained to understand that only with the time there pain finds a place inside to rest? The time made or is making your pain to rest? of the people who had been with you in this year: the friendships had fortified who you are, leaving indelveis marks of character, respect, affection and love? Or they had been if diluting to each strange moment, to each word badly said, or that badly it was written, or still, ‘ ‘ friendships lquidas’ ‘ if they had emptied with the time? you, left as everything this? Emptiness? With hurts, distrusts, fears, frustrations? Or you surpassed, or still she is surpassing this eddy of emotions lived in 2011? I do not know I eat I was your year, ‘ ‘ what you earn and what you lose, nobody needs saber’ ‘. But that in 2012 either one year to feel the life, to see the life, to live the life and to use to advantage all more, each time, scarce moments with the essential people for you, with those people who are part of your way, that you make to be who you you are and that she would never have to leave of being. The sun will continue shining, same in your more difficult days, when you not to feel will some to leave the bed if remember that 2011 already passed what it remains daqui in ahead is to go arranging the things in your heart, to go taking care of of the left spaces, to go treating the opened wounds, to go walking, not to the meeting of the happiness, but to go walking made use, tranquilo and night watchman. It goes happy! You must go happy. Perhaps you obtain to go happy Complemented for the video of Wishlist music Pearl Jam and for the video of music Just Breathe Pearl Jam.