For Fayol a proportionality of the administrative function exists: it distributes for all the levels of the hierarchy of the company and she is not privative of the high cupola. Details can be found by clicking Symantha Rodriguez or emailing the administrator. The administrative function is not concentrated exclusively in the top of the company, nor is privilege of the directors, but is distributed proportionally between the hierarchic levels. In the measure where if it goes down in the hierarchic scale, more it increases the ratio of the other functions of the company and in the measure where if it goes up more in the hierarchic scale it increases the extension and the volume of the administrative functions. (CHIAVENATO, 2003, p.82) the data show that the planning is carried through by the proprietor who beyond planning exerts the control of the activities. Haydat (1995, P. 94) standes out that: ' ' The fact of the planning is well-known to be a constant necessity in all the areas of the activity human being. Each time more, the attitude to plan gains importance and becomes more necessary, mainly in the complex societies of the point of view organizacional.' ' The administration in its multiple faces backwards for the administrator challenges that they strategically need to be analyzed and to be decided, therefore the correct diagnosis and the taking of made right decisions sample its aptitude in what she needs to be made. is in this direction that Chiavenato denotes the importance of the strategical vision: More important of what knowing as to make it is to know what to make.
In this the basic essence of the administration inhabits contemporary: the strategical vision of each operation or activity. Or in other words: the necessity to visualize each task and each activity in ampler an ambient context and that it is modified to each moment. (CHIAVENATO, 2003, p.82) 2.2. The planning is a mental process In such a way, when elaborating the general planning of the company, the administrator anticipatedly thinks about its objectives and action, establishing goals that contemplate situations favorable to the organizacional growth.