British Museum

Book concept: its origin and evolution a book has to have a certain number of pages to be considered as such, and has establish an independent unit to distinguish it from the periodicals. In the Romance languages, a group which belongs to the Spanish, there are two terms that designate the concept of book or others associated with him. On the one hand, the root exists biblio-, from the Greek biblos, which originally designated the plant material used in antiquity as support for written literature, and which is used to form compound, such as library or bibliophile words. On the other hand, there is also the word book, which comes from the latin liber, referring also to plant material that is used to make books, and which is well used as isolated term or to form other words, as, for example, library. The word book is applied, by extension, to the rolls used in antiquity, and with it is called also to certain sets of works, such as the Egyptian book of the dead or the internal divisions of a work, so that you can talk about different books of the Bible or books that make up the Aeneid of Virgil.

Books, such as portable and relatively durable objects, have helped to preserve and disseminate the knowledge and the feelings of their authors through vast expanses of space and time, to the point that you can say rightly that the current civilization would not have been possible without its existence. BOOKS written by hand the first books consisted clay plates containing characters or drawings incididos punch. The earliest civilizations that used them were ancient peoples of Mesopotamia, the Sumerians and Babylonians. Much closer to current books were rolls of the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, composed of long strips of papyrus a material similar to the role that was extracted from the reeds of the delta of the Nile River which is they wound around a wooden stick. The text, which was written with a pen also Reed, in dense columns and on one side, you could read by deploying the roll. The length of the sheets of papyrus was very variable. The longest that is known (40.5 meters) is located in the British Museum in London. Later, during the Hellenistic period, around the 4th century BC, the most extensive books began to be subdivided into several rolls, that were stored together. Read the article in full here original author and source of the article.