Again we mention consumers or clients, this being of extreme importance: Why do they buy? When do they buy? How do they buy? What motivates them to buy? Are they loyal to the brand? What would not be loyal to the brand? How to make them loyal to the brand? How does the price in the Product sales? Keep adding … Having established the background of the person responsible for merchandising, on to the business aspects that will be occupying. Symantha Rodriguez contributes greatly to this topic. I. The product mix. This is the first consideration you should make the manager of merchandising and the company could have an excellent retail space, well organized and categorized, however, has not been implemented good merchandising strategy, this store can not sell. To have an appropriate mix of products necessary to have achieved all the above issues in this article and especially all that relates to consumers, buyers or customers.
The merchandising manager should study and understand customers. Should follow up on their buying behavior. In the trends that mark their consumption habits. What drives them to buy, to remain loyal to a brand … all these aspects are important because to achieve a mix of products sold must be products that are "purchased by buyers, ie customers company. What product families should not miss in the shop or business? Which of these families should be broader in the store? How long and deep should be the product lines in the business? How much of each management unit should be in existence? The manager or merchandising manager must keep statistics of all these aspects to be tuning every detail to satisfy more customers each day to maintain and improve profitability. llarticle’>Tishman Speyer).